Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Media analysis - GTA V

The first key convention that tells the audience that this advert is the GTA logo which is widely recognisable worldwide. The title, console logo, background image, the age restriction&the company producer are all key conventions of this video game. The very popular PlayStation branding will be immediately recognisable worldwide to the target audience.

The video game was produced by Rockstar games and Rockstar north which is available on multiple platforms such as PS3&Xbox 360. The game was originally produced for PS3&Xbox 360, but as they saw there success rise rapidly (Charting number 1 whilst winning numerous awards of which awarded game of the year in 2013., Rockstar decided to soon release the game on newer generation consoles such as Xbox one, PS4&Microsoft windows.  

The target audience for this video game is obviously targeted at higher ages such as 18+ as there age restriction is 18. A extremely wide range might apply to teenagers and ages between 18-28. As not many older ages are into video games.

The representation of this video game cover is exclusively based on action and violence. Tthis gives us a clue, it tells us that this game is widely filled with violence so the target audience may think that this video game is action packed. Also, with the very well known company Rockstar, games like GTA are known worldwide so it will be cached by the target easily.  


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